So as many of you might be wondering:
Hey Debbie! Have you been doing anything productive ever since you informed us of the beginning of your winter break nearly a month ago (or a year ago if you want to go there...)?"
And my answer to that is:
Of course, I've been productive!
I've been doing lots of important stuff...
And they're like,
sooo important that I can't even tell you!
Ugh... I know I'm a terrible liar.
Okay so truth be told, I've been acting like such a recluse it's not even funny. Okay so it kind of is, but it's not fair to my mobile phone which has been vibrating non-stop ever since I turned it on yesterday (ha ha this sentence sounds kind of funny).
And obviously this does not count that
one day when I went to Nintendo World on New Year's Eve...
(I forced out of bed on that day because my parent's were genuinely concerned about my welfare and they were afraid that if I stayed in bed any longer I was most likely going to make a permanent imprint on my mattress... oh well at least I had fun and I even got to introduce my new bulbasaur and I got a really kick-a** water bottle)
Look! it's Balthazar the Bulbasaur and her friend Elle! :D Aren't they cute?
It was totally worth it getting out of bed to get them!
Kawaii~ <3 |
I also got this bottle which will make me look totally cool when I go back to school B-) |
My phone's like: Hey Debbie! Aren't you going to acknowledge these texts that your dad and your 10 other friends sent you over the course of forever?
Me: Nope. I'm busy pretending to be productive...
lol jk phones can't talk...
Unless you count Siri, but then again I have an android phone... so that's kind of invalid... Anyway getting off topic...
It's just I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately and I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.
A lot of friends, and a whole bunch of strangers lately (weird) usually come up to me and tell me to my face that I'm basically a pretty easy-to-read person, despite also being notoriously known as a rather sheltered person.
So, on that note, I'm just going to have to come to grips with the fact that most likely I am definitely becoming an Otaku-ish person :-B (I already know I was a Weeaboo and going up in the ranks of becoming a Koreaboo).
Wanna know how I know? Here's how:
Everyday since break started, I've basically barricaded myself in my room doing nothing but staying on my computer...
Watching YouTube videos and reading lots of manga for the sake of "research" (in my mind), because I was sort of having writer's block for my blog...
Instead choosing to watch a whole bunch of Anime and other videos everyday without even taking much of a break to get some sleep... (usually staying up until about 5 o'clock in the morning, and then waking up a couple hours later at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, not
really waking up until 4 p.m.)
I've had my mom walk in on me while watching random videos and I would just pay no mind to her because I had so much "research" to get finished...
Example conversation:
Mom: (walks in, and quietly walks over to my bed in the dark) Debbie.
Me: (not noticing my mom, also having my earphones in my ears, I continue to surf on the web. Then I notice my mom and I nearly have a heart attack. This can't be good... Even though it's dark, I can tell she's giving me
the look)
Moooooomm? Oh hi?
Mom: (not looking particularly happy)
Deborah. Haven't we spoken about this before? Why are you not sleeping?
Me: Well, you know... I'm just looking up stuff.
Mom: Can't you wait and just wake up at a more
reasonable time?
Me: There aren't enough hours in a day to do that though...
Mom: Why must you be such a disobedient child? Don't blame me if one day you wind up dead. You're gonna have heart problems and headaches, you won't be able to function properly and then you're gonna
Me: Um. Okay... I'll go to sleep now (closing the lid of my laptop).
Mom: (turning to leave) And then, if you have children one day they're going to do the exact same thing that you're doing now.
Me: (waiting until my mom was out of earshot) And I'd
let them...
What was that?!
Me: What? Nothing! Good Night Mom! (waiting for my mom to go back to bed and then back to the laptop I went)
Through watching some anime (eventually getting to
Love Stage!), I inadvertently discovered
Daigo of BREAKERZ \m/ (
thanks Eiki Eiki!), and then
I kept watching BREAKERZ music videos leading to me to also discover Akihide (who is just the absolute cutest person in the world :3) and then after some fangirling at the
Daigo x Akihide "relationship"...
Here's a gif from one of my favorite Breakerz songs Real Love 2010,
if you don't want to see the extremely steamily smexy music video, well then keep reading lol >-<
Judging by this gif you can probably tell what's going to happen next anyway,
that is if you didn't already click the link above this gif |
(not really, but naturally a girl's imagination has the tendency to wander heh heh :x :"> )
I somehow discovered Yasu and Acid Black Cherry...
Here's the full group of Breakerz: (from left to right) Akihide, Daigo, and Shinpei |
Ahh! Look at Daigo's seductive glare with his thumb on his lip!! |
More seductive glares! Look at how cute Akihide is!!! |
Even MORE seductive glares?
Is this a surefire way to make girls just turn into absolute pudding?
You can bet your bottom it is!! I think this a little much even for me (๑→‿←๑)
Aww who cares...YASU!!!
*officially turns into a puddle of chocolate pudding* |
Which, side note about Yasu,
when I first saw him, I was looking at him and I just couldn't figure out whether or not he was really a guy or a girl, because listening to his voice he sounded so much like a girl :o (I don't mean to offend), but then Google cleared up everything... And
then I watched this music video and then I was back to square one (I guess Yasu himself also realized that he makes a pretty cute girl and he does sound like one lol...other peeps can agree to disagree)
Then I just stayed up watching several playthroughs by the Game Grumps because they're awesome (go watch them playing
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric! It is a sight to behold that a game could be so
entertaining to play that it is currently in the running of attempting to dethrone
Sonic '06 in terms of its "awesomeness"?
I'm not one to say bad things about games, because I'm not good enough at videogames themselves in order to be a videogame basher... so I leave that to the professionals, a.k.a: The Game Grumps! So go watch them! It's okay, it won't hurt my feelings if you went and took a break from reading this mess which is currently on your computer screen (okay, just a little, but its totally alright).
As a
side note I wanted to mention that when I first starting watching the Sonic Boom playthrough, I literally just sat in bed watching every single video without getting out of bed to do anything and my (13-year old) brother chastised me because I had spent about 6 hours of doing nothing but watching the videos... yep I definitely have a problem...
DON'T judge meeeee!!!! |
Continuing on...
I also attempted to try out (I wonder if I can say Beta version? Is that how you use it? Is it even in beta? Well he's technically still working out the kinks...sooo...)
XHH's (remember how
I kinda introduced him in a previous post?) new game-making-machine (I'm afraid to say software, I don't know computers lol)
BLANKe! (Really it's spelled
BlankE though, I was stylizing it for dramatic effect. Like I'm yelling at you out of excitement! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I was excited :o )
I'm sooo proud of him! Because he's like totally the awesomest person ever and he's also a total genius! (He doesn't like to admit this openly though) So, go support him and try out his software and
play his games! You've heard of
Boredom haven't you? No? Well, then you're a terrible person and shame on you... If yes, then you've officially joined the cool club...Kudos to you ;)
Now play more games by him!
I was the one who created this banner especially for the game! |
^^And I also made this button ^^
Click it! Click it!
I hope it works :o
But then after failing at trying to figure out
how to use BlankE (because I'm code-challenged) I decided to go right back to fangirling BREAKERZ and Acid Black Cherry (I'm thinking of just writing an entire blog post about my fascination with these two J-rock bands... Yeah, I might as well, since I'm currently obsessed with them).
And then finally, when logic decides to whack me in the head, I decide to go to sleep and like I said, I begin the whole cycle all over again! At least until the middle of January ;)
And now I've proven that I'm a true otaku! Not something to be proud of I'm sure, but what other kind of person would willingly decide to just stay home, ignore their socially active, well-meaning friends and watch endless episodes of whatever's in good quality on the net. I'm sure everyone would want to, but I'm actually doing it! Ahhh that college life... I'm so totally like Izumi Sena in that respect... Among other things ;) Like the fact that he was born into the business of show biz...
And that he's super cute!
And we're both kind of secretive with our fangirliness
(I hate girliness in general anyway *super shocker I know...* ,
but the inner fan girl has to come out sometime *sigh* :-< )
Ahhh Let's face it... I never had much of a social life to begin with...
At least I'm better than him at drawing things... heh :>
Over here is an excerpt from
Love Stage! from the mangaka notes on Shogo's character development...I thought it was interesting so I thought I would share >:D<
Click the picture so you can actually read those tiny words! |
Oh yeah! I was also going to show a picture of Shinpei, showcasing his awesomeness as well, but then I saw the
music video of Beautiful Day and look what he does!
Akihide's all sad and then Shinpei's all like:
"Okay, okay... are you done crying yet? You are? Kay cool... Hey look at me smiling over here!"
Real smooth Shinpei... real smooth...
Aww whatever he's still awesome anyway. :P
Ah he's looking at me! |
(If that last gif wasn't working for you then you can either
click here to see the gif or just
watch the music video of Beautiful Day... It's a rather beautiful song :) )
More Side Notes!
Here are some of my favorite "Game Grumps Animated" clips that have come out of the Game Grumps playing
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric:
"Sonic Boom"
"Sonic Boom Review"
And my all-time favorite:
"The Jump Glitch"
(If I wasn't lazy and possessed at least a shred of artistic talent then I guess I could've made my own animations 8-} )
Burning Questions!
Also could someone explain to me why Sonic
doesn't go fast, in
Sonic Boom of all things?
Or why Knuckles is suddenly smarter than a bale of hay and actually has fingers and looks like he suffers from a steroid addiction?
Remember when Tails was modest about his smarts? Now he just regurgitates intelligence and that's not only disgusting... it's annoying.
And Amy? Well I guess Amy's cool....At least she's athletic and she knows how to triple jump and she has her piko piko hammer :D
They all wear way to many bandages though...
Oh and also does anyone know whether or not
Sonic Boom actually takes place in the future? If yes, then does that mean that something bad happened to Mobius (or wherever they're living) because it looks like they're living in the middle of nowhere and I'm just confused.